All Blog Entries by Dallas Luxury Realty

Found 38 blog entries published by Dallas Luxury Realty.

A Highland Park, Dallas address is one of the most coveted in the entire city. Read on to find out what makes this area so popular among homebuyers.

  1. Community Involvement

    Owners of Highland Park homes are actively involved in their community, making this area a very pleasant one in which to live. Service groups, such as Rotary, are very active here, organizing blood drives and other similar events. Charities, schools, and faith organizations also organize community events to raise awareness and funds for local causes. Because of the tight-knit nature of this community, these events are well-attended and fun!

  2. Schools

    The Highland Park Independent School District is commonly known as the best public school system in Dallas-Fort Worth.…

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If you're a new homeowner, you've probably heard about nightmarish renovations and/or discoveries your friends and family have made after moving in. "We just wanted to do x, but discovered x, so we had to spend a fortune replacing x" and "we didn't realize we had a faulty x, which damaged our x" are just a few potentially serious scenarios that could be avoided with a comprehensive home maintenance plan. But if you've got a full-time job, kids, hobbies, and/or pets, creating and following a maintenance schedule is a lot easier said than done. Along with maintenance, home improvements can also be costly (and sometimes downright disastrous) if you don't have DIY savvy. However, the magic of the internet now provides you with the tools you need to simplify…

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If you're one of the many getting to put their homes on the market this sales season, you've probably thought about painting your house. Chances are good that your time and cash are both fairly precious commodities, so you want to either do this yourself, or have a professional do it cheaply, the latter option being quite rare to find. With advances in paint technology that eliminate sanding and priming, the DIY route has been proving very popular in recent years.

Chalk paint is one trend that's winning over do-it-yourselfers left, right, and centre. This paint yields a gorgeous flat finish and, as long as the surface you're painting is clean and free of dust, there's no need to sand or prime. Just make sure you seal the surface when you've finished…

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Not everything is bigger in Texas, but the employment gains certainly are! Between April 2011 and April 2012, Dallas employment rose 1.8%, making it the second biggest employment leap in the United States and well above the 1.3% national average. This is great news for real estate.

The only region to do better than Dallas was our very own Houston at 3.1%, giving Texas metropolitan areas the number one and number two spots for employment gain in the entire country. This is promising and suggests that what we've been feeling is true: things are getting better.

As you've probably guessed, employment rates have a direct effect on the real estate market of any region. There are the obvious reasons, like employment leading to income surplus, which leads to…

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For years the Dallas area has bee criss-crossed by tollways, and recent road construction costs indicate that there will probably be even more to come. Who would have thought that little old Highway 121 would eventually become a major Dallas tollway? Though normally built for vehicle traffic, downtown Dallas once contained the nation’s shortest toll turnpike… for pedestrians.

What is now a haven of luxury lofts and condos in downtown Dallas, there once used to be a busy cut-through at the corenr of Elm and Pacific Streets, where a small parking lot became a popular shortcut for pedestrians walking to various downtown shops, restaurants and office buildings. After dealing with12 years of human congestion, and foot traffic so bad that it prevented cars…

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If there were one phrase that could define the Uptown Dallas real estate market, it would be "live, work, play". Indeed, that happens to be the community's tag line. This dynamic part of Dallas boasts a variety of residential and commercial spaces to suit young professionals, business people, entrepreneurs, or just anyone who wants to be close to the action.

Residential buyers will love how easy it is to get around this neighborhood. A walkable urban plan, mixed with dense retail, dining, and recreational outlets, makes Uptown a really exciting place to be. The nightlife scene is hopping, with upscale winebars and 100+ fabulous restaurants to choose from. Uptown is a shopper's paradise too, with countless boutiques and high-end shops to choose from.…

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If you're in the market for a home, or you're fixing up yours to sell, chances are pretty good you'd like to know what "that sticky-outy bit" or "that thing with the holes" or "those parts that go down" are called. We've put together a list of the commonly sought-after (and often misnamed) parts of a house, so your REALTOR® doesn't have to dust off Ye Olde Book of Architecture just to understand what you're trying to say.

  • Stair stringer. Also known as stringer board or just string, this is the portion of the staircase that runs the length of the side of the stairs. Technically, there are two stringers, one on either side, but if the staircase is against a wall, you'll typically only see one stringer. The riser of the stair is the vertical part you…
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When you're selling your home, you'll come across articles that tell you staging is an art and a great investment and something no seller should pass on, and it's true. Sometimes. Other times, the market you're selling in doesn't really call for staging, or your home is already in pretty good shape. You've de-personalized, de-cluttered, and de-emphasized any parts of the home that may stand out because of bright paint, dated fixtures, or a multitude of other sins. So what else would a stager do that you wouldn't think of? Read on to get three tips professional stagers use to sell houses.

  1. Get out the big guns. Not literally, of course, because that might just scare away your buyers before they walk in the door! To get professional results, you need…
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Tiny, small, and micro are not terms people usually use with pride to describe their homes. In the Lone Star state, especially, we're not used to complimenting people on how miniscule their dwellings are. However, the tiny house movement, as it's affectionately known, is gaining momentum in our large-and-in-charge state.

A "tiny house" is usually defined as a home that is under 900 square feet. These dwellings come in all shapes and sizes, from charming Victorian-style cottages, to rustic mini-ranchers, to sleek and modern cube homes. Popular among the DIY set, tiny homes are almost always owner-built and, thus, allow for flexibility and personalization of design.Tiny Dallas House

You may be wondering what kind of person lives in a tiny house. The answer to that…

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Home staging has long been considered a fad or something available only to those who could afford it. Many home sellers believed it to be little more than an expensive and unnecessary perk. Oh, how times have changed.

Recently, home staging has become a necessity when it comes to selling your home quickly and for top dollar. It is now so common that it's almost expected. In fact, not staging your home could put you at a serious disadvantage when trying to sell. But you don't need to shell out the money for a professional staging service to get results that will make potential buyers sit up and take notice. It's possible to stage your own home by following a few simple rules that will instantly transform your house into everyone's first choice.

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