September 2017 RSS Feed

Found 4 blog entries for September 2017.

To Rent or To Buy? It's Not Always a Black or White Decision.

Top Reasons to Rent

For most families, renting allows you to be much more flexible. Only a short-term commitment is required, most often a 12-month lease - you're not locked into a 20 or 30-year mortgage. You're also not required to qualify for a mortgage, which usually has much more strict requirements than qualifying to be a tenant.

Renting also means that there are fewer up-front costs involved; whereas buying a home requires upfront costs of 10-20% for down payment, and other costs. There are also fewer ongoing costs involved with renting since home owners have property taxes, and those maintenance and repair costs which usually come when you're least prepared.

One of the…

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Jewel tones have the power to give your space a look of style and luxury. It’s the reason the world is currently mesmerized by the gem-inspired interior design trend of adding rich and attractive jewel tones throughout the home. Here are some tips for when you’re ready to give your own place a jewel tone makeover.

Accessorize & Learn

Before you paint your entire wall a certain color, figure out what you like by swapping in jewel tone accessories. You might find the palettes that are right for you just by adding emerald throw pillows or a topaz rug before really committing to certain colors. Play around with different jewel tone accessories until you discover which colors you want to go all…

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Building a Luxury Lifestyle with Real Estate

When it comes to acquiring wealth and enjoying a luxury lifestyle, achieving financial independence is a key component. How do you achieve financial independence? We all probably have a different definition or dream in our heads, but to keep it simple, it’s when your passive income and your income from your portfolio, or investments, are greater than your expenses.

 ··· Utilize a long-term growth strategy

··· Buy then sell to make a quick profit

··· Hold properties over a long period of time

··· Never run out of money! Spend less and save more

 There have been more millionaires made through real estate than through any other wealth-building medium anywhere in the world. It is based on…

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Maybe it’s a Hollywood Regency-style mirror, or a set of bold-hued embroidered pillows from India that caught your eye. And what about those 18th-century portraits you inherited from your grandmother. How do you mix them all together? Merging different décor styles in the same room can be refreshing—and even more interesting than sticking with the same theme throughout. “Mixing different styles and periods of décor creates a richer and more dynamic space,” said interior designer and architect Joan Craig, a partner in Chicago-based Lichten Craig.

“It’s like bringing together guests from different places and generations for a dinner party. A Chinese screen may be a beautiful object by itself, but set it with a ‘40s chair and a contemporary table, and…

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